Sunday, April 10, 2011

We All Feel The Same

  The racists, the Jihadists, the Hipsters,  your parents, your children, your brothers and sisters even though you may argue with them or disagree, we all feel like we are right, EVERYONE of us feel we are reasonable people.   EVERYONE of us feel like we are right.     Opposing, conflicting ideas? Borne from the same perspective, that they are righteous and reasonable.  You do.   I do.   I think we would argue though, put in a space for even a short time, being ourselves,  the abortionists, the antis,  Republicans and Democrats,  Jews and Arabs - They all feel right.   DO YOU HEAR ME AT ALL??  There is no 'Right'.   Not even within perspective, not even when adjusted for environment,  all there is is Powers That Be and Law and Popular Opinion, and Popular Opinion is no real barometer,  think NAZIs,  or they were right, they are still, who are you to say they are not?    Your mind and beliefs grew out of your own certain circumstances, and you can not blame anyone else for developing within different ones. 

         This is important.    You should be paying attention. 

1 comment:

  1. I believe there is right and wrong, but that most of us don't know what that is. It is mostly the blind leading the blind.

    Beyond that, you speak similarly here to Dale Carnegie. In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Carnegie started out discussing notorious killers. Did they think of themselves as evil murderers? No. They claimed they were innocent, claimed they helped people, claimed they were misunderstood, anything except being wrong. Carnegie's point was that if worst specimens of society had such pride and ego, then who are we to expect the average person we meet to be less prideful, selfish, or arrogant?
