Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mister Nice

Isaac Marcus Nice was born 45 years ago into a well-to-do family which lived on top of the hill in the big avocado green house. He was the youngest of three children and was the happiest and most trouble of the bunch.

I.M. Nice was always drawn to the darker, more sinister aspects of life. His own childhood provided very little in the way of dark experience, his was a privileged upbringing, without any of the usual complaints of absent or drunk parents, being ignored, or drug abuse - either participating in or being audience to.

He had the attitude of a small, vicious dog. He was loyal and protective, but could turn suddenly and bite the mailman. And like a small dog he also could not be trusted to be left alone in a car, or other enclosed area containing delicate or expensive items as he had a tendency to destroy these things out of curiosity or boredom. I.M. Nice required constant monitoring.

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