Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Caveat RE: THESE POSTS & my special-lovely-gifted helper

Hi everyone, and thank you for joining me. This is my new place to self-indulgently post and hopefully share my every private thought. In an effort to bring YOU, my readers, even more useless and perhaps offensive thoughts and reflections of mine, I now have in my employ .... MY OWN PERSONAL ASSISTANT! Yes, for once, the rumors ARE true. Beautiful, mysterious, hungry, and fertile as the Nile delta. She is all of that and much much more. I have asked her to go through all of my treasured notebooks and type those entries here, for you all, to enjoy. I have asked her very nicely (as well as reminding her that I pay her) to type as much, and as quickly as possible, and don't bother with the proofreading - time IS money - I'll get to that and do the 'Smart Stuff' myself later. What is important now is to get this material out there to my readers, my reasons for living, YOU. What I'm saying is: If there is a misspelled word, or incomplete sentence, or dangling participle, or something just seems off or wrong, please don't blame ME, but blame HER instead. (SHE DIDN'T GO TO COLLEGE, but we love her anyway) When I get some free time after work, and on the days when I'm not volunteering at the Big Brother center, I'll edit these myself. If you want something done right...It's just that she...Well, you know what I mean. Thank goodness I am a very patient person! But here I am rambling again. I'll stop right now and let you go get what you came for - I can berate my helper on my own time. And don't you worry - I will.

I welcome and cherish your thoughts and suggestions. Ideas. Comments. PLEASE GOD, WILL SOMEONE JUST SEND ME AN EMAIL ALREADY?? Do not make me fling myself off of the bridge in desperation. I'll do it.


Thank you for your interest and patience, yours,  Unclezak


  1. Dammit... I love how those words flow through that brain of yours... thanks for sharing your gift. Blogging is a fantastic idea for you!

  2. Wanna play the game? Come on (shoving a straight shot of burbon across the cyber table) play the game...
