Saturday, August 3, 2013

Now it's 1984...

   Something other than Car stuff for a minute, Okay?    Thanks.       I am not really a 'political guy' -   or a current affairs guy,  and I usually try to make things light and fluffy and funny,   but there is something wrong.  

   AMERICA:   Land of the fat and home of the mislead.       What happened to this place?    And exactly when did it happen, or begin to happen?
    Type things like this,  and people will tune right out and consider you another hippy-communist-trouble maker.     Oh, not to mention paranoid/delusional.   

   I have so much to say,   but really have not formulated my thoughts into a cohesive string yet.    In broad strokes - 

     Americans overeat,  drink too much and use a lot of drugs.        I believe everyone of these actions is a symptom rather than a base problem/ diagnosis in itself.      I believe overeating, drinking and drug use are all used to alleviate some stress or underlying unhappiness that is lying a little too deep to be able to see exactly, and therefore difficult to diagnose and address.     Nuff said on that for now.

   Have you looked around lately at the police?  This talk of them becoming militarized?     That's not an exaggeration.     It is scary, and I do not know why more people are not sitting up and taking notice.      The world, in the last 12 years,  has become a whole lot like Orwell's book,   and it is actually happening,   and not a lot of people seem to care.      I don't think they want to acknowledge that this is in fact becoming a reality.  

   Fair?  Justice?    Steal $5000 , go to prison.   Steal  $500,000,000  and get a promotion.     Why is it that a guy who has an ounce or two of cocaine can go to prison for 5 years , maybe 10 years (poor, black guy)  and a guy who runs a corporation (rich, white guy) that lies and cheats and inside deals (or destroys an ecosystem and then tries to cover up their culpability) and defrauds FUCKING RETIRED PEOPLE OF THEIR SAVINGS does not go to jail?  In fact, they get a raise and a bonus? 

   I'm just saying;   do you ever really THINK about this?      Maybe not.   The new season of Walking Dead came on.    Orange is the New Black?   Other things to consider?   The Kardashians?  

   Then we find out the government actually HAS BEEN LISTENING TO ALL OF OUR PHONE CALLS.    Which we all pretty much assume,  but the government would deny it.   That is the problem, our government tells us it is 'fair/just/DEMOCRATIC/FREE'  but it just keeps being caught out otherwise.     Drones killing civilians.   Listening to all phone calls.   Interest in humanitarian crimes exclusively in countries in which we have a financial stake or interest.    Treating our own war veterans like shit.    The billions of dollars spent keeping immigrants out while our education systems get less funding.      Becoming...   and I am not exaggerating here....  A MILITARY DICTATORSHIP !   We are the ones flying all over the globe and taking what we want.    We are the bad guys.    It is not the fault of Al-Que'da.       Think about it:  we are the bad guys.     And none of us seem to really care, and those that do are marginalized and made out to be wacky hippies or worse. 

    What be done about it?   I don't know.  I don't have any plan.   I do know this :   If you grow up inside of this,  you will not notice it.    History will gradually make this all make sense, and without any sense of perspective  about how 'it used to be' , this will all seem normal.   Be sure to have every citizen carry and depend on their cell phones.    It is not so they can track you, of course and see what you are up to/looking at/reading -  OH NO -  they would never do that. 

   I do not smoke Marijuana.   I  am one of the fifteen people in all of Portland who does not.   I usually find pot-smokers to be irritating, or I find the habit to belong to a lazy group.   I could be wrong.     That is just my opinion.    However;   I DO NOT SEE WHY IT SHOULD BE ILLEGAL WHEN ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO ARE NOT.     I do not see why cocaine should be illegal.   Or heroin.      Make it all legal, regulate it, and you would solve about 50% of the problems in the USA.    War on Drugs?   You mean 'War on Poor People' -   right?    Spend some of that money on something else and decriminalize.     BUT -- someone is making a lot of money, there is a big budget on fighting the 'war on drugs' .    

    I could go on and on.   I am probably not making many friends though, right now.   Who knows?  Maybe someone is listening/reading?   

    Land Rover Defender Guys :      Why do you think they are 'cracking down' on the imports?  To keep the borders safe?  TO keep the highways safe?   Air pollution reduction?     Why would they let you bring in a rusty, smoky old 1980 whatever-you-want  but not a 2005 Defender that has good brakes and a catalytic converter?      Must be someone is losing money.   Or someone else is making money being involved at all.  

    I could go on and on.     I do have a daughter here though that needs to be fed and changed.    She won't care about any of this,  will not notice.   I suppose that frustrates me a bit.   I do not know what to do.    I see how people get very frustrated.   I wish there was something I could do.   I know 'they' do not play fair however,  they will do what they want, lie about it, lie to everyone,  get caught, get mad at those who exposed their lying..  It is scary.   Frustrating.    Causes anxiety in me, I know.    I suppose I can go eat something to feel better for 2 minutes.   I can enjoy happy hour.   If I had a favorite TV show... I probably would not feel as strongly about this as I do because some of my emotional/energy resources would be dedicated to that.

    Think about it!

     End Rant.  



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