Thursday, May 24, 2012

Grown Men Also Bleed


    Dear Portland Parking Enforcement People  :

       I recently bought this vehicle, a 1999   Land Rover Discovery  Tennessee plate # 974JSD .    I also recently   (February 2012)  Moved into a house at 1517 SW 17TH st, Portland OR 97201.    

   On 4/27/2012,    I went outside to find two parking tickets on my car.     One was for parking in a ‘loading zone’   directly in front of my house.     It was my understanding that that space had a 20 minute time limit from 7AM-8PM M-Friday, and I was issued this ticket at 7:11 in the morning,   less than 20 minutes before the enforced time of 7:20 -       I do not think I should be responsible for this parking ticket because it was actually issued before it would have been a violation.

  At the same time  I was issued another ticket for expired registration (more than 90 days current)   for $140 –   I actually had a trip permit at the time hanging in the car that was not observed by the parking officer.     I should not be responsible for this ticket either.

    In the meantime I have sold the vehicle for scrap, as it was suffering from a number of complicated problems.     Good Riddance to that one, I say.     It is gone,  and I want it’s associated parking violations to be gone along with it.    I will not be haunted by its memory, or semi-paranoid visions of parking enforcement officers lurking nefariously in their tiny carts, waiting to descend upon me, like vultures upon something dying or already dead.    The car is gone, and I want nothing more to do with it, and I say the parking citations issued on that hideous morning are invalid, and predatory to boot.  

    Please find the enclosed afore-mentioned citations.    I recommend you shred or burn them, whichever is easiest for you there in your office.      If you feel that you want to pursue the issue further,   if you feel your agent was justified in their issuance of said citations,   if you feel truly righteous in this matter, then by all means make a copy for your records and  then mail to them to me again at my address there in Sector A and hear from my lawyer in short order! 

     Please forgive me for bleeding all over the citations and envelopes provided for them.    I am in fact a hemophiliac with high blood pressure and discovering the tickets that morning sent me into a spell.    I did not bleed on them on purpose, as I have been accused of doing in the past,   it was due to circumstances beyond my control and I apologize.    I am not meant to be long here in this world, but please, do not let that influence your decision to blight my final days here on this Earth with your parking citations.    If a demand must be made for payment, I suppose this sort of thing may be best handled in probate court after my passing…    I’m sorry,  I digress.  The point was,  I AM sorry for bleeding on your citations. 

  I can be contacted at 503-505-7113 , and all correspondence can be mailed to me at my residence: 1517 SW 17TH ST, Portland OR 97201 -   

    Thank you, Zak Mosieur

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